Just finished week 1... I was fortunate enough to spend the 1st 3 days in the nursery. Those babies are so amazing. I seriously would bring every last one of them home with me if there was a way for me to do so without landing in jail. :)
So I did my Bible study on Thursday morning before work and had a good prayer time. God reminded me that I won't always get my own way and that he will put me outside of my comfort zone to allow me to grow.
I got transferred into one of the boy cottages ages 1-5 who are all quite spirited. By 10 am I was ready to head home. Then I prayed and again Jesus reminded me that none of this is about me, and that ALL these kids need love and attention; also He will never give me anything I cannot handle. I worked Thursday and Friday in this cottage and then.....
Jesus kept His promise
I will be spending the rest of my time here in the girls cottage. Which I love. It's where I worked the last time I was here. They are age 1-5 including 2 year old twin girls who make me a little less homesick :)
I will try to post photos another time, they are all on my facebook if you want to look there!