Friday, March 8, 2013

Harsh Realities and sweet endings..

So my week started on a bit of a sad note.  I took 3 children who have HIV to the Children's Hospital.  It is one of the worst things you can possibly experience.  Picture you are sitting in an Emergency room, but take away the plasma TV, the air conditioning and every last spec of cleanliness.  Add about 100 women all with infants or young children, no bathrooms, no vending machines and 100 degree temperatures.  Add in birds and the worst filth imaginable.  Blankets spread all over the lawn so families can visit with their sick children.  The ward in the hospital has about 3 infants to a bed, it's overcrowded and understaffed... but it's free.  You wait hours to check in, hours to see triage, hours to see the Dr, and then wait again to receive your medication.  Next time you are sitting in Emergency complaining about our Health care system remember you could be living here.... (I did not take any pictures it didn't feel right)

But God is good!!! ALL THE TIME!!!  So despite the beginning of my week being sad my Friday was AWESOME!  The other volunteers and I all got to take a child and go on a boat trip down Lake Victoria to the Nile River~~~  How amazing!  It was so much fun.  We saw monkeys and tons of different birds.  A few sea otters.  A great end to a good week!  

I miss you all, but I wish I could stay here forever!!! 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Better by the DAY

Had a great day Saturday relaxing and sightseeing!

Sunday I went to a great Church service with amazing worship!  I taped the service so maybe we can try some African songs at Parkwood!  We also did devotions on Sunday night with just the girls (my roommates) it was incredible.  7 girls from all over North America, from all different kinds of churches coming together for an in depth look into 1st Corinthians.  I love these girls and I know God put us all together for a specific reason.

Today was the best day yet!  I started back in the girls cottage!  I love every last one of them.  They are all beautiful with fantastic personalities.  A family from America showed up today, they have their final court date tomorrow to adopt one of the girls from my room.  It's bittersweet.  I know she is going to a great family who love Jesus and will give her a great life, but it's hard to see her go.

I brought lots of the twins clothes with me so today I brought them to the cottage.  Mama Lucy started dressing the girls in the new clothes but the were a few who didn't get new things.  They were starting to cry when I dug for more, and with the donations of another volunteer every girl got new clothes.  Their smiles are priceless!

I also got to spend my lunch hour with Hope, I don't know how I will be able to leave her here.  She stole my heart!  Look at that face!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Week 1

Just finished week 1...  I was fortunate enough to spend the 1st 3 days in the nursery.  Those babies are so amazing.  I seriously would bring every last one of them home with me if there was a way for me to do so without landing in jail.  :)  

So I did my Bible study on Thursday morning before work and had a good prayer time.  God reminded me that I won't always get my own way and that he will put me outside of my comfort zone to allow me to grow.  

I got transferred into one of the boy cottages ages 1-5 who are all quite spirited.  By 10 am I was ready to head home.  Then I prayed and again Jesus reminded me that none of this is about me, and that ALL these kids need love and attention; also He will never give me anything I cannot handle.  I worked Thursday and Friday in this cottage and then.....

Jesus kept His promise

I will be spending the rest of my time here in the girls cottage.  Which I love.  It's where I worked the last time I was here.  They are age 1-5 including 2 year old twin girls who make me a little less homesick :)

I will try to post photos another time, they are all on my facebook if you want to look there!