Tuesday, March 11, 2014


So on Saturday we went to Budondo.  It's a small village about 45 minutes from Jinja.  We go there to do a Bible study with the children.  About 100 children come every week to join in the teachings.  We start in a group and sing songs, this week the boys were separated from the girls and the boys sang to the girls in honor of Women's Day.  It was pretty awesome!

After we have a song service the children are split into 3 groups.  0- 5 yrs, 5-10 yrs, and over age 10.  I had the over age 10 group.  We read John 2, Jesus's 1st miracle changing the water into wine.  The kids are so wise.  They all knew the story, but this lesson has a great visual.

Plain old jug of water!

Grape juice packets!
Mix them together!!

Wine!! (or grape juice)

The result was 48 children bewildered that we had managed to turn an ordinary jug of water in "wine"..  Some of the children asked if this is how Jesus had performed this miracle!  It was awesome!!! The kids and I both had so much fun!  

After we were done our lesson, I gave the kids all bracelets my friend's daughter Alyssa had made for my to bring to Africa!  The kids were so happy!

Going to Budondo is such a rewarding experience!  I will be going to do family visits on Wednesday and Friday this week!

Thanks for all your support and prayers!  

Friday, March 7, 2014

A day in my shoes

Sorry I have not been blogging a lot but this place seems to keep me rather busy.  April one of our babies got reunited with her family so the total baby count is down to 9. :(  Of the remaining babies David has the measles so consequently Zion and Anna the two tiny ones have gone to stay at the volunteer coordinators home.  So really I have 6 babies in the nursery right now~!

My day starts at 7:30 and I get the babies up, diapered, changed and then feed them their bottles.  We then have play time until 9 when we change their diapers and put them down for a nap.
10:30 up from nap, change diapers and then we start with bath time.  This can so be so fun for some of the babies, and so challenging for others!  
11:00 all the babies have a bottle, then play time until 12:30
12:30 All the babies eat.  The smaller ones we feed, the 1 yr olds try to feed themselves.  They make a huge mess but it's great that they are gaining independence. They have quite a variety of meals, mashed potatoes, carrots, mashed sweet potato, bananas, avocado, g nut sauce, corn posho, pumpkin.. the list goes on.
Then we give the babies a wipe down, re diaper them and it's off for a nap.. (time for us to clean the floor and the highchairs..
The little babies sleep from 1-3
The big babies sleep 2-4
I get break from 1-4
3:00 little babies take a bottle
4:00 I get the big babies up change their diapers and then give them a bottle.
They we play until 6 when all the babies eat, and drink, and bathed diapered and put to bed.

That's my day... it's kind of fantastic..

Mama Esther with Jane and David

Kaity with David, Joanne and Rosie

I'm under there somewhere.. I'm a jungle gym

me and baby David he has the measles :(

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Nursery Extreme's

I thought over the next 7 weeks I would introduce you to the babies that I am currently taking care of.  In all there are 10 from 2 1/2 months to 13 months..  Anna, Zion, David, John, Rosie, April, Joanne, Jane, Alex, and Mercy.  

I will start with Amani’s youngest baby…. 

This is Anna!  She is 2 ½ months old.  For being so young she sure can smile.  She never really cries, loves to be cuddled and has the cutest giggle...  She already knows how to bat her eyelashes and loves to have an audience.  

Anyone who works in the nursery at Amani will recognize these shoes!  They belong to Mercy a stinkin cute 13 month old diva ...  

The oldest in our nursery, she has quite the personality and is so picky about who she lets hold her.  She is a princess in the making. She is very curious and is quick to escape out the door if it is left open. If she doesn't like you she will certainly let you know~ she loves sharing with her Aunties and brothers and sisters.   She gives high five's and waves goodbye to everyone.  I may be a little biased but I think she gives the greatest hugs! 

I'm sure it is not hard to see why I love it here so much!  These children are such a joy to be around and I can't think of a better way to spend a day than playing and cuddling with these little ones.  Thank you for all your support please continue to pray for me and all these adorable children!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

My Heart For Africa

January 17th 2011, a day that forever changed my life.  A young African mom and her newborn twin girls came to live with me. Little did I know the plans God had in the works, giving me such a heart for Africa, to go along with the love I already had for children. Helping to raise them and learning from their mom about Africa, how could I not feel the call to go and serve?

me Viki and Nellie

3 years old, time has gone by so   fast!  They call me maman Nicole! They stole my heart!  I love going to Africa but I miss them so much!  

I arrived in Uganda on Tuesday night.. what a change in climate!   My travels went smoothly, and I was blessed with no one sitting next to me on either of my 9 hr flights, so I could sleep!  I am thrilled to be back!  I am currently staying with 6 other girls from all over the USA and even a girl from Windsor (Kaity) !!! No chance for me to get homesick!!  I have been fortunate to be placed in the nursery!  12 of the stinkin cutest babies ever!!!  2 are rooming with us as there was a measles outbreak and we don't want the two littlest ones to catch them!  I will update this again, it's been a long week and I need my rest for church in the morning!   Miss and love you all <3


Friday, January 10, 2014

The Lord works in mysterious ways!

So it's official... Africa holds my heart.  I have only been home for 4 months, but it seems like a lifetime. One of the things I like about returning from a missions trip, is I am so on fire for Jesus, and truthfully a lot less selfish.  Having those perfect new jeans that are $150.. NO WAY  Do you have any idea how many children you could feed for that amount of money.  I often wonder if when I do missions work if I always paint the whole picture.  The truth is, it's a very sad Country.  The word poor doesn't seem adequate. Not knowing where your next meal is coming from.. In your cramped 8x8 mud hut... with your 5 children.. A worn mattress on the floor and a thin sheet separating their 8x8 "cell" into a bedroom and kitchen.  Folks these people don't have refrigerators, most don't have electricity.  Washer and dryer?? What's that.. You wash your clothing with soap outside on the cement.   Most of the places I have been families have a charcoal stove to cook what little mom managed to afford that day.

Despite the horrible living conditions, these people are so happy!  They are so thankful for even the smallest thing.  I wish I could be like that. ... grateful no matter what!  It's hard.. Isn't it what the Bible tells us to do:  In everything give thanks!  Go into the world and preach, feed the thirsty man, give food to the woman who has none.  Help someone take their 6 children on a boda (motorcycle) too see a Doctor where the wait times are unbelieveable, but they have no choice.  I don't think I'll complain the next time I have to visit the ER.  Comfy chairs, air conditioning or heat a tv.. even a cafeteria.

In February I'm returning for 2 months to Amani Baby Cottage in Jinja Uganda, where I volunteered last year.  It is an amazing place for kids.  They are so loved and cared for.  I miss hearing "Auntie Nicole" everywhere I walk!

As some of you may know I've had some pretty major changes in my life in the last couple of months, and as I prayed and started thinking about this trip, I have an amazing peace.  God is faithful He will never close a door or an opportunity without having something even better in store for me!

If you still want to make a donation to my trip, you can do so at the top of the page under the donate link!  Thanks for all your support and prayers !  

God bless

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Where is the SOLDIER in me

So as many of you know I had my friends and family write to me in a daily journal so I had words of encouragement for every day I was gone.  The following was todays entry… written incidentally by my amazing mom.

Are you being a soldier?
Soldier's get hot!
Soldier's get dirty!
Soldier's get hungry!
Soldier's get homesick!
Soldier's WIN WARS!
I love you Mom

You would think this being my 4th trip to Africa in the last year I would have learned a few things.. Well in hindsight, I had learned a lot but this trip I feel that God decided that my faith and courage needed to be tested in much more dramatic ways.

I can handle the mosquito’s, though they are at times almost unbearable, I have started crying a lot less at the sight of enormous cockroaches (thankful for my roommate who has no qualms about killing them for me), I have learned to live without a stove and microwave, I have learned to deal with frequent power outages, and learned to keep my “technology” fully charged at all times just in case.  I have learned to survive with very few showers, even when I do bathe, the water pressure is so low and cold but at least for a few minutes I feel somewhat “clean”. I am thankful that although Uganda is SO hot, it is not humid and makes the days seem more tolerable.  I am thankful for when it rains (torrential downpours) because after the rain the weather is so beautiful with cool temperatures.  I have learned that pedestrians NEVER have the right of way and have learned to look both ways frequently when trying to cross a busy street.  I travel by boda (motorbike) almost always, and have learned to hold on and pray knowing that when going up a hill, the driver can and will push you off the back without warning in order to “climb” the hill.  I have learned to listen to the Holy Spirit when the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end when I walk into a store where the “spirits” are not good.  I plead the blood of Jesus more times in a day than I ever thought I would need to.  Nicole (my roommate) and I frequently plead the blood after coming in contact with people who clearly don’t love Jesus.  We recently went into a shop and upon entering the back room we immediately felt so overwhelmed with a demonic presence we quickly exited the store pleading the blood while doing so and stopped outside to pray and ask for a thick hedge of protection.  There are many Islamic mosques in our village and several times a day they pray on loud speakers for the whole village to hear.  Nicole and I pray WITHOUT ceasing and again plead the blood.  I have no idea what they are saying as the words are not in English but I have enough of a discernment of Spirits to know it is not good.  

When we visit Ben and Susan (the 3 and 5 year old that we reunited with their mom) I see the conditions they live in. Literally a 10X10 brick house which is one room, complete with a mattress for mom and her 4 children, a charcoal stove, a blanket dividing their “home” into 2 rooms..  They have 2 plates, a few cups and a huge jug of dirty water to drink.  It never ceases to amaze me that this is the way most of the children here live and are so happy; the children follow us as we walk around town in “herds” the little girls take our hands and kneel at our feet to greet us.  When we walk through town the children literally flock to us, so happy just to touch a mzungu (white person).  I have to admit at times I feel like a bit of a celebrity.  To see the smiles on their little faces just because we wave and say hello makes all the “negativity” here completely worthwhile.
Ben and Susan's home

I was beyond blessed to meet some new friends here who have helped us to reunite some of the children in our baby home with their families.  We were blessed with an incredible Sunday worship service…. It was much needed… Nicole and I do devotions together daily, I spend frequent time in prayer. 

I have to say I am homesick, not for the comforts of North America (like air conditioning), but I miss my parents,

I pray that this does not come across as me complaining after all as my mom kindly reminded me I am a SOLIDER!  AND:::

Soldier's get hot!
Soldier's get dirty!
Soldier's get hungry!
Soldier's get homesick!
Soldier's WIN WARS!


Please click the following link to my roommates blog we posted separate as to not repeat stories.


the sun shines through the storm

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Mzungu in Iganga

Sorry I haven’t been updating more often but time sometimes gets away from me while I am here.  I have had a great week.  Nicole and I took the children (11 months 3,5,12,14, and housekeeper) to church in Jinja.  We went to Acacia church in Jinja.  Pastor Terry was great!  It was amazing you really haven’t experienced church until you have had an outdoor service African style.  Worship service was awesome they sing all the same songs as at home, a couple with an African twist!  Sunday afternoon we treated the kids to a boat ride Lake Victoria, I’m sure no of them had ever been before.  We take the boat to the Source of the Nile River it is quite an experience.  We also treated the kids to chicken fingers and fries at an “Americanized” restaurant which was quite a treat.

Baby John is doing exceptional.  He is drinking 32 oz of formula a day and is growing before my eyes.  The change I have seen in him in such a short time is miraculous.  He is thriving and actually has started giggling.  He ate his 1st “meal” yesterday of infant cereal it was such a treat to watch him memorized by the spoon :)

Iganga is such a different town from Jinja.  As I stated before the other Nicole and I are virtually the only 2 mzugu’s (white people) here.  Whenever we walk into town we are surrounded by smiling faces and greetings.

We have also visited Amani Baby Cottage of course I needed my Hope “fix”.  It was great to see the twins still wearing the clothing my mom made them in January and Baby Judah (without hair lol)
Me and Hope

Hope (of course loves Canada)

Caroline and Josephine

Baby Judah

Tonight we had Bible study with some of the neighborhood children. 

We taught the story of creation, the children were so attentive, and answered questions after.  We prayed at the end and then all the kids got “sweeties”

answering questions

prayer time
