Friday, March 8, 2013

Harsh Realities and sweet endings..

So my week started on a bit of a sad note.  I took 3 children who have HIV to the Children's Hospital.  It is one of the worst things you can possibly experience.  Picture you are sitting in an Emergency room, but take away the plasma TV, the air conditioning and every last spec of cleanliness.  Add about 100 women all with infants or young children, no bathrooms, no vending machines and 100 degree temperatures.  Add in birds and the worst filth imaginable.  Blankets spread all over the lawn so families can visit with their sick children.  The ward in the hospital has about 3 infants to a bed, it's overcrowded and understaffed... but it's free.  You wait hours to check in, hours to see triage, hours to see the Dr, and then wait again to receive your medication.  Next time you are sitting in Emergency complaining about our Health care system remember you could be living here.... (I did not take any pictures it didn't feel right)

But God is good!!! ALL THE TIME!!!  So despite the beginning of my week being sad my Friday was AWESOME!  The other volunteers and I all got to take a child and go on a boat trip down Lake Victoria to the Nile River~~~  How amazing!  It was so much fun.  We saw monkeys and tons of different birds.  A few sea otters.  A great end to a good week!  

I miss you all, but I wish I could stay here forever!!!